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Thousands Rally in Niger as Junta Leader Warns Against External Intervention

Thousands of individuals thronged the streets of Niamey, the capital of Niger Republic, in a compelling display of solidarity with last month’s military coup. The coup, which placed a new leader at the helm, has elicited fervent responses from both supporters and critics. The military figurehead leading this junta has vociferously cautioned against external interference while outlining a proposed three-year transition of authority.This marked the latest episode in a series of rallies endorsing the coup, unfolding merely a day after the recently appointed military ruler delivered a stern message, asserting that any assault on Niger would be far from a straightforward undertaking.According to credible sources, the demonstrators articulated slogans laced with hostility towards former colonial power France and the West African regional coalition, ECOWAS. The latter organization is deliberating over the prospect of a military intervention to restore the deposed elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, should ongoing negotiations with the coup leadership falter.Despite the junta’s official prohibition of public protests, in practice, those in favor of the coup have been permitted to convene and voice their support. The crowds proudly waved placards bearing messages such as “Halt the Military Intervention” and “Reject Sanctions.” These slogans referred to the stringent financial and trade restrictions imposed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the aftermath of the coup on July 26.The spirited pro-coup assembly was accompanied by the harmonious melodies of musicians who extolled the new military administration, as attested by journalists from the Agence France-Presse (AFP).General Abdourahamane Tiani, the head of the military junta in Niger Republic, articulated his commitment to a smooth transition of power during a televised address broadcasted by Tele Sahel. He underscored, “Our objective is not to wield power indefinitely. The transitional phase will conclude within three years. Meanwhile, political parties are urged to outline their vision for this transition within a span of 30 days. We remain open to dialogue, provided it takes into account the aspirations of Niger’s populace. Nevertheless, any foreign intervention would unleash unpredictable consequences and prove to be far from a straightforward endeavor.”This stern warning followed the arrival of a delegation from ECOWAS in the country. The delegation’s mission involves a final diplomatic push before making a decisive determination regarding potential military action against the junta.


Ademola Adeyemi

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