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CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Lagos Police Officer Dismissed for Extorting Young Man of N98,000

Sgt. Ekpo Shimuyere of the Lagos State Police Command has been officially dismissed from his duties after being found guilty of extortion. Sgt. Shimuyere, who was stationed at the Sogunle Division, was accused of unlawfully obtaining the sum of N98,000 from a young man.Confirming the development, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, the State Police Public Relations Officer, revealed that the command’s Provost Department had taken swift action by stripping the disgraced sergeant of his uniform. Hundeyin emphasized that Sgt. Shimuyere’s actions were in direct violation of the ethical standards expected of law enforcement professionals.According to the official statement, the victim reported the incident to the police, but when contacted, Sgt. Shimuyere denied any involvement in the crime. In order to preserve the evidence and prevent tampering, the command detained the officer. Subsequently, the police obtained the sergeant’s bank statement, which revealed that he had used a Point of Sale (POS) operator to transfer N98,000 from the victim’s account, leaving him with a mere N2,000.”We diligently followed the proper procedures to retrieve the sergeant’s account details,” explained Hundeyin. “During the course of our investigation, we summoned the victim, who provided a statement and testified against the accused officer. Additionally, the POS operator was called in and confirmed that Sgt. Shimuyere had instructed him to transfer the funds from the victim’s account to another account.”In accordance with established laws, the sergeant faced an orderly room trial, during which his actions were thoroughly examined. The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Idowu Owohunwa, thoroughly reviewed the proceedings and subsequently sanctioned the punishment of dismissal from the police force for Sgt. Shimuyere, whose official identification number is 461654 and who was previously assigned to the Sogunle Police Division.The Lagos State Police Command is committed to upholding the principles of justice and accountability. This dismissal serves as a clear message that misconduct and corruption within the ranks of law enforcement will not be tolerated. The command hopes that this decisive action will restore public confidence and reinforce the integrity of the police force in Lagos State.


Ademola Adeyemi

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