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Heartbreaking Farewell: Nollywood Icon Nkem Owoh ‘Osuofia’ Opens Up About the Tragic Loss of His Daughter

Esteemed thespian, Nkem Owoh, affectionately known as Osuofia, has at last broken his silence regarding the lamentable passing of his second progeny, Kosisochukwu.The demise of the 24-year-old, following a brief period of illness on June 28, 2023, culminated in her interment on Thursday, August 24, within the precincts of Amagu village, Udi, situated within the confines of Enugu state.In the wake of this somber event, Osuofia extended his profound gratitude to a compendium of well-wishers, for their resolute display of affection and solidarity throughout the family’s period of mourning.Labelling the untimely loss of his cherished offspring as an unforeseen and poignant juncture, he divulged, “I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation for the boundless support and empathy that you, collectively, have conveyed to my family and myself. When the tempest of tragedy ravages, few solaces are more profound than the knowledge that one does not stand alone.”He then proceeded to share his sentiments on the deeply transformative nature of the experience, underscoring the poignancy of the loss and the sense of bereavement that accompanied it, “As the sands of time continue to shift, I have borne witness to innumerable alterations. Yet, this particular change was one that eluded my anticipation, and has left me grappling with an acute void.”In his poignant Instagram missive disseminated on a Monday, Osuofia eloquently conveyed, “In the face of this adversity, however, I draw strength from the uplifting words and outreach you have extended. Through this collective encouragement, I am fortified in my conviction that I shall navigate this melancholic epoch. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in steering me through the mire of my sorrow.”This pronouncement reflects not only the actor’s gratitude but his resilience amid a period of considerable heartache, showcasing the poignant intersection of grief and the indomitable human spirit.


Ademola Adeyemi

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